A few months ago, #FollowFriday was introduced to Twitter. It was a great concept – recommend people you’re connected with to others. It led to new discoveries, new friends, and quickly made #FollowFriday a Twitter mainstay.
Lately, though, #FollowFriday seems to have just become an endless amount of names and no more. While the idea of recommending people to others is still worthy, personally I feel it would be more so if there was a reason for your recommendations.
Some people are doing this, which is great. Others are just listing the names and then the #FollowFriday hashtag, which is still okay.
Personally, though,? I prefer the former. If you’re recommending a #FollowFriday on Twitter it should be more meaningful than just a name. It should be about why that person inspires you, and why they would inspire others too.
It should be more than just a name and a link on Twitter – it should be about that person and why they’re great every day of the week. So here’s my deal.
Every week, I will post my recommendations. I will recommend seven people in seven categories, one for every day of the week. I’ll write a little bit about them and why they inspire me. And why they might inspire you.
It’s not saying that #FollowFriday has lost its way. It’s simply saying it could really light up the way that little bit more. I hope you enjoy the first seven.
- Community – Richard Marti (@ramartijr). Anyone that reads this blog regularly will know one of my key mantras is community spirit, and Richard personifies all of that and more to me. He inspires me when I’m down with his endless enthusiasm and he has a genuine love for everyone around him. Simply put, he’s awesome.
- Ladies of Twitter – Henie Reisinger (@HennArtOnline). Sometimes I think Henie is Richard’s twin. She never seems down; she’s infectiously optimistic; she is an amazingly creative person; and she wears sunglasses like they should be. One of the coolest ladies on Twitter.
- Gentlemen of Twitter – Aronado Sanchez Placencia (@Aronado). What can I say about Aronado? If I need to laugh until my ribs hurt, he’s my man. If I need someone to joust with, he’s my man. If I need someone to make my cap look good, he’s my man. He’s also an incredibly nice guy to boot. Everyone should know Aronado.
- Non-Profits – Nicole D’Alonzo (@nikisnotes). Here is a girl that has really got it going on. Podcaster. Journalist. Entrepreneur. Socially conscious. Change agent. Founder of Socolite.com to combine social media for good with businesses and bring society together. And she’s still just the tender age of 27. Nicole is a bona-fide star.
- Marketing – Frank Reed (@FrankReed). Frank is an understated gem on Twitter. He’s unassuming; he’s inquisitive; he’s helpful; and he’s knowledgeable. He’s also one damn fine marketer – something that is apparent via his own blog and his spots on Andy Beal’s Marketing Pilgrim website. I learn a lot from Frank every day.
- Public Relations – David Mullen (@dmullen). There is an insane amount of talented PR people on Twitter that this list could probably go on forever. One that stands out for me though is David Mullen. Sharp; insightful; questioning; never afraid to put the boot in on the industry he obviously loves. You like being made to think? David is your guy.
- Social Media – Chris Brogan (@chrisbrogan). Predictable choice? Nothing new there choice? Perhaps. But as far as social media goes, Chris is up there among a very few who walk the talk and share the words with everyone else. The guy is social media and should be a no-brainer for anyone remotely interested in the medium.
- The “Everyone Should Know” Wildcard Entry. Christina Kingston (@CTK1). Although Christina is the first “wild card” entry, she is anything but. One of the funniest and most vocal people I’ve met on Twitter. She’s never afraid to speak her mind and usually has some witty retort for most things.
So there you go – my first #FollowFriday who I’d want to know both on and off Twitter. I hope you check them out and get to know them – you won’t be disappointed.
Cheers, guys, for being who you are every day of the week.
photo credit: ashley rose,